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4 min read

7 Deadly Sins: Why You Won't Make Money with Print on Demand Sites

7 Deadly Sins: Why You Won't Make Money with Print on Demand Sites
7 Deadly Sins: Why You Won't Make Money with Print on Demand Sites

We hold our hands up. We come here, week after week, to talk about how print-on-demand (POD) sites are going to catapult businesses and teams into a new frontier of custom merchandise sales. But it's not true. Of course, it's not all lies. With POD, sellers can offer a wide range of personalized products without holding any inventory or investing in upfront costs. Print-on-demand sites have gained immense popularity due to their low-risk nature and ability to cater to niche markets. 

But not everyone can make the model work for them.

Because, like everything, despite the immense potential for profitability, many businesses and merchandise sellers struggle to make money with print-on-demand sites. And here are seven reasons why. 


Print-on-Demand Sites Sin #1 Lack of Strategic Product Selection

One of the primary reasons businesses fail to generate significant revenue from print-on-demand sites is the lack of strategic product selection. When choosing which products to offer, it's essential to understand the target audience and their preferences.

Without proper market research and analysis, sellers may end up investing time and resources into products that have minimal demand, leading to poor sales performance.

If you attended our The Ultimate Formula to Building a Million-Dollar Company webinar, you would have heard this straight from the horse's mouth. The horse being Dan Vermont, VP of Global Sales and Operation from Brikl, who said: 

"Identifying your niche is crucial. Whatever you're targeting, set up a good, better, best product model to make sure your customers know that you're seeing what resonates most with them through their eyes". 


Print-on-Demand Sites Sin #2 Poor Quality Designs and Products

Another common pitfall that can hinder the success of print-on-demand sites is the delivery of poor-quality designs and products. Subpar design elements, such as low-resolution images or generic templates, can deter potential customers from making a purchase. Artwork in this space has typically also been a huge issue.

7 Deadly Sins: Why You Won't Make Money with Print on Demand Sites

As Jon Norris, Chief Strategy Officer from Hit Promotional Products, notes,

"I could have the best order in the world, but if the artwork is subpar, it will halt the order. There's a whole new frontier of problem-solving that we need to address. I'm hopeful that advancements in technology, particularly AI, and some innovative tools on the market will help us overcome these challenges."

Additionally, using low-quality materials for the products can lead to dissatisfaction among buyers, damaging your print-on-demand sites seller reputation and impacting future sales.


Print-on-Demand Sites Sin #3 Ineffective Marketing and Promotion

One of the cardinal sins committed by many businesses navigating the realm of print-on-demand sites is ineffective marketing and promotion. Establishing a brand presence on these platforms is merely the first step; the real challenge lies in cutting through the noise. Without a clear, systematic promotional strategy, your merchandise is likely to gather virtual dust.

This oversight can result from neglecting key marketing channels, such as social media or email campaigns, which are critical conduits for driving traffic and securing conversions.

Need some help with your marketing? Want to be able to close more deals and business? Find out about our marketing services.


Even more debilitating is the absence of a distinct brand voice and aesthetic—a cog in the machine that not only resonates with your target audience but also distinguishes you from competitors. Ignoring these fundamentals can stifle your brand's growth, leaving potential revenue on the table for more marketing-savvy merchants to snatch up.

As Jon Norris observes, 

"People often wonder why their store didn't take off or why it didn't work. Even in the company store model, you still need to market it to your employees and franchises. The 'Field of Dreams' mentality—if you build it, they will come—doesn't really apply in the web market and web store portal world."


Print-on-Demand Sites Sin #4 Ignoring Customer Feedback and Preferences

Failing to listen to your customers is a sin that can lead to the downfall of any enterprise, particularly in the print-on-demand industry. In an ecosystem powered by the desires and tastes of a fickle audience, ignoring customer feedback and preferences is akin to steering your ship without a compass.

Customer feedback is an invaluable repository of insights, revealing what designs resonate, which products are in demand, and what price points are acceptable. It shapes everything from your product selection to your marketing touchpoints.

Disregarding this fundamental source of business intelligence can alienate your customer base. This oversight manifests in a lack of engagement, stagnant sales, and a weakened market position. Businesses that succeed in print-on-demand are those that pivot and adapt according to their customers' voices, staying relevant and profitable in an ever-evolving market landscape.


Print-on-Demand Sites Sin #5 Failing to Optimize for SEO and Conversion Rates

SEO optimization is a vital lifeline for visibility and success on print-on-demand sites, yet many businesses overlook this crucial aspect. A robust SEO strategy propels your products to the forefront of search engine results, exposing your brand to a wider audience actively seeking what you offer. Conversely, ignoring SEO best practices buries your products beneath pages of search results, rendering them nearly invisible to potential buyers.

7 Deadly Sins: Why You Won't Make Money with Print on Demand Sites

Moreover, conversion rate optimization (CRO) is an art that fine-tunes the user experience to convert maximum visitors into paying customers. This includes optimizing site speed, simplifying navigation, and ensuring that your call-to-action (CTA) buttons are impossible to miss. Neglecting these elements can cripple your store's performance, resulting in low traffic, abysmal sales figures, and a frustrated user base.

To thrive in the print-on-demand landscape, businesses must relentlessly pursue SEO and CRO excellence, turning every visitor encounter into a potential revenue opportunity.


Print-on-Demand Sites Sin #6 Not Leveraging Technology and Automation

Print-on-demand sites have revolutionized the way businesses and teams sell merchandise. However, many sellers fail to capitalize on the full potential of technology and automation. Without the integration of automated marketing, inventory management, and order processing, businesses are missing out on significant opportunities to streamline operations and maximize profitability.

7 Deadly Sins: Why You Won't Make Money with Print on Demand Sites

Manual processes slow down the production and fulfillment process, leading to increased costs and reduced efficiency.

Additionally, failing to utilize data analytics and customer insights means missed opportunities to personalize products, optimize pricing, and tailor marketing strategies. This results in decreased customer engagement and, ultimately, lower sales.

Businesses need to leverage technology and automation to scale their print-on-demand operations and stay competitive in the market.

"I would look at connected platforms that streamline and simplify integration. These platforms plug into a wide range of systems today. We prefer working with those who make setup and artwork configurations easy, reducing headaches and cutting setup time in half through an integrated workflow. There might be better strategies than developing your own platform long-term. If you're determined to go that route, consider how you can connect an API to your store platform."


Wrapping up 

To address these challenges and maximize profitability, businesses must embrace technology and automation.

By integrating automated marketing, inventory management, and order processing systems, businesses can streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. Leveraging data analytics and customer insights allows for personalized products, optimized pricing, and targeted marketing strategies, ultimately driving sales and increasing revenue.

Investing in a robust print-on-demand platform like Brikl can provide businesses with the necessary tools and infrastructure to automate processes, analyze data, and optimize sales strategies. By harnessing the power of technology and automation, businesses can unlock their full potential and thrive in the print-on-demand industry.