Meet Brikl’s Design Team: Ou & Yong

Meet The Design Team at Brikl

Design is where science and art break even.


You’ve likely tried dancing with someone at some point in your life. Knowing how your dance partner moves and their sense of timing and rhythm allows you to anticipate their movements to create physical cohesion between bodies and music. It’s more than just movement; it’s social and even emotional intelligence made visible.

Meet The Design Team at Brikl


User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design is a digital dance with a user. Understanding how their eyes travel across a screen, where their mouse pointers are likely to go, and where they’d search for support allows you, as a designer, to stay one beat ahead. 


The aim is always to provide an interactive experience that puts your user in a flow state instead of getting in their way.  


The challenge here is how? 


In this behind-the-scenes look at Brikl’s Design Team, we take a closer look at the people behind Brikl’s user experience (and what it takes to be the best dance partner in the market). 

Meet Ou

Bang Rak’s accessibility has made it a cultural hub in Bangkok and features the city’s first paved road. The Chao Phraya River, the capital’s central vein, predates civilization in the region and is key to Thai culture. This large, Europeanesque neighborhood, replete with coffee houses and aspiring artists, is where Sarakard Pasupa(Ou), our Head of UX/UI, currently lives. 

Once a template store is set up, MicroStores can be duplicated to create entirely new stores, fully customized with new branding, that your sales and marketing team will love you for in a matter of clicks.

Meet Ou


Ou’s interest in UX was piqued during his Ph.D., where he was required to design an online learning tool as part of the thesis. “After finishing my degree, I worked as a university lecturer and carried out research related to UX and social media marketing, all while freelancing as a designer,” Ou recalls. “I wanted something more. I realized I would have considered less money and a longer commute if the job was meaningful to me. Luckily, I didn’t have to compromise when I found Brikl.”


“We have different voices and perspectives here from all over the world. This diversity of thought enables us to learn more from one another, but everyone’s of the same mindset. We’re open-minded and energetic, not sensitive, and don’t point fingers at one another. We just try to fix problems together.”

Meet Yong


Follow the river down from Bang Rak through Bang Na, and you’ll arrive at Samutprakram, home to Tanita Nithiworanan (Yong), Brikl’s Product Designer. Ambitious, empathetic, and driven by the prospect of making others happy through design, Yong has a natural affinity for product design.

Meet Yong


“I’m not going to lie,” she laughs, “money was a key consideration for me throughout my work, but wanting a promising career means working hard to get it. Brikl is unique in giving me the conditions I need to succeed.


“Everyone is so supportive and always ready to help whenever needed, and the results are amazing! Right now, I’m proudest of our bulk embellishment feature. Before this, users needed to use PhotoShop to embellish thousands of product images. We reduced this down to a few clicks.”

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